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Home > Environmental Topics > Mobile Pollution Sources Control > Control of Vehicles In-use > Promoting Periodic Inspections of Motorcycle Exhaust Gas

Promoting Periodic Inspections of Motorcycle Exhaust Gas

Motorcycles are the most common mode of private transportation in Taiwan, as millions of them are running the streets of Taiwan. The MOENV has implemented several control measures against the exhaust emissions of motorcycles in use, including roadside inspection of motorcycles in use and the establishment of the periodic maintenance inspection system, etc. to avoid the increasingly serious air pollutants emitted by motorcycles, hoping to reduce the pollutant emission of motorcycles through multiple checks.

In accordance with Article 44 of the Air Pollution Control Act and the promulgation of “Objects, Regions, Frequency, and Period of Periodic Air Pollutant Emission Inspection of Motorcycles”, motorcycles that are registered in Taiwan and have been manufactured for more than 5 years should go to the air pollutant emission inspection center for a periodic inspection of air pollutant emissions within one month before and after the month of original license issuance. If the periodic inspection of motorcycle exhaust is not carried out according to the regulations, a fine of NT $500 may be imposed in accordance with Article 80 of the Air Pollution Control Act. Failure to improve by the given deadline in 6 months after the day of inspection may result in the cancelation of license plate.

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