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Report to High-Emitting Vehicle

Background Information

In Taiwan, there are a lot of people’s commutes depend on vehicles. Due to the economic growth, the average of vehicles owned per person is high. Averagely each 1.1 person owns one vehicle. Therefore, to improve air quality effectively, we need to have proper strategies to control and eliminate the high-polluting vehicles. In order to manage all high-polluting vehicles with limited inspectors, Ministry of Environment (MOENV) established the high-polluting vehicle reporting system in 2000. The system effectively assists in managing and inhibiting the growth of high-polluting vehicles.

How to Report High-Emitting Vehicle

When the public find high-polluting vehicles, stating the facts and offering evidence are necessary to submit to local municipal government and city (county) government (bureau) for prosecuting. In addition, the people can also file a report in the high-polluting vehicle reporting system which MOENV established. Information from reports received through all channels will be entered into the computer by each environmental protection bureau. After checking records of the vehicle on the computer, the environmental protection bureau responsible for the area in which the vehicle owner's registered residence is located will contact the owner to take the vehicle to a designated vehicle inspection site for inspection. The vehicle owner is subject to prosecution if he or she fails to take the vehicle in for inspection by the deadline or if the vehicle fails to pass inspection. Informants who report vehicles that subsequently fail inspection will receive a reward. Please take advantage of this service and let us work together to protect our environment.

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